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Side effects & Adverse effects, Confusion solved...

Side effects and Adverse effects are always mistaken as the same with common people. But they are both different. Here we will know how..

Adverse effects
These are those unintended effects of a drug which are harmful to the body even at therapeutic dose. These effects may also be termed as Averse drug reaction (ADR). 
An example of ADR is repeated use of Methotrexate which is preferred in treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis may cause megaloblastic anaemia even at therapeutic dose.

Side effects
While side effects are those unintended effects of a drug which are not harmful to the body and rather these effects may be used in treatment of another indication.
A very good example of side effect is effect of Promethazine. This is a drug primarily used for treatment of allergies as an anti-allergic agent. But it is also used in prophylaxis or prevention of motion sickness and as a sedative in minor surgeries and also in psychiatry.

This was how adverse drug reaction or adverse effects differ from side effects.

Drug toxicity is another term which is confused with ADR.
Each drug is tested for its toxicity and a toxicity level of drug is decided.
Drug toxicity may occur when the administered dose is way higher than the intended therapeutic dose or even due to prolonged administration of a drug. In this case the effects are derogatory to the body.
A very commonly used drug, Paracetamol or Acetaminophen can cause hepatic necrosis if administered above the toxic levels of the drug which is 10 grams for adults.

Here were the differences between Adverse effects, Side effects and Drug toxicity.


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